viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

My journey with B.

This is my thank you, to you Baratta.
I know my words will not tell the journey, nor describe the swift shift of spaces and paces I am invited to feel in our dancing the Oneness of Love.
You keep reminding me of its greatness, that I am loved, that I have always been loved, that it is never too late to become love.

You have led and inspired me to unplug the darkest sewers of my faulty and precious humanity; to relive the scared brokenness of my heart and soul; to bare the deafening howling of the fear lodged in the brain of my body, as all of me crumbles to ruins and ashes.

The miracle resides in that while this is happening, all I sense is an unstoppable unfurling of gratitude, which knows and holds with unwavering trust that this is love too, of the sweetest kind. A fearless, powerful love that holds, sees, listens, greets and embraces all that I am at any given moment. I know I am safe with me and you, I know I am healing and being healed beyond any thing, any thought my human experience can comprehend.

What is it I wonder that keeps me open, vulnerable and willing to move and stretch to utmost limits of my being, while I continue to dance under your lead?

It seems that the millenniums I spent breaking stone, barriers and walls doing the work of a prisoner held bound by intricate cages, chains and bars of condemnations and shame have laid the foundations for this coming together, within me, with the world of subtler realms, with true love.

Inspired by the gentle kindness in your voice, laced with the light humor I hear when you reveal the crude truth of me, I feel my laughter rising even in the darkest of times. I am inspired by a lightness of spirit that accompanies me throughout our voyages, evoking my longing to dissolve my guarded self and become the dance of love, the dance of touch, with my skin, my words and senses, with my heart and breath.

Perhaps I can taste the letting go and being led by a flow of love, clarity and kindness that feeds and fills my being with the certainty that I am becoming ... me/you.
A me/you willing, open, trusting, relaxed, present, quiet and ever so joyful.

For these these gifts, these gems, Baratta I say Thank You forever.

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