martes, 29 de julio de 2014


Help me heal my trust,
Hold my faith in your gracefulness  
I remember there is a You and I
Together we enter
The temple of vulnerable intimacy
I so long for us

Masks and pretenses are no longer necessary
I know who I Am with You
I relinquish what is no longer real
I open my eyes to the beauty of a sacred truth
Residing in the heart of Love
I am enough
I am loved

My innocence is restored
Your presence opens my heart
I express my longing and desires
To the You that resides within
As naturally as the sun brings light into our world
As kindly as I breathe and watch children play
As roses bloom in the morning dew

Beloved One
Hold me as I stand naked before you
Willing to be moved by the life force
Rushing through my body like a great river
Feeling your love healing all pain
Opening my heart to All that I Am
With You

I offer myself to you
With the elegance of a truth
That unites two beings  
In the depth of their desire
Eyes, hands and hearts fully open
Willingly letting go of the known
Surrendering to the mystery of each other

I need your help for I cannot do this alone
Hush and soothe my fearful heart
Hold me in your loving embrace
While I cross the threshold and brake the illusion
Born in the past
Saying that love resides
Outside of You and I

Today, I step with You,
Into our ever present immutable embrace
I hear angels in the rustling of leaves
Dancing on the cusp of a rising wind
Birds joyfully ringing the bells of heaven
Singing and praising our joining
It is enough

I am home

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